Friday, September 28, 2012

Birds, bunnies and babes

Here are the twelve owl species found in South Africa, which my sister Janet has sketched on one page - just amazing!

Since this blogspot is really just a glorified diary, I guess there will be times when the scribblings found here will be less than earth-shattering. However, plenty of our special folks enjoy reading about what we are up to on our kiwi adventure and not everyone is always inclined to care all that much about the political situation here or the social mishaps and difficulties which will occur the world over. Having said that, we have just recently had our share of red-faced, head-down prime ministers who have had to eat humble pie and make ever so public apologies for bungled security and illegal raids on an alleged internet pirate who all the while had his New Zealand residency 'sticker' firmly pasted on the correct page in his German passport and thus is officially 'off limits' for these sorts of actions. What is so infuriating about it all, is the fact that if the aforementioned, alleged 'criminal' decides to sue - WHO do you imagine will be paying for any reparation or damages or whatever?? Vra dit!!! Maybe they can recoup some of the losses from the government of the stricken Rena container ship that is still in bits off Tauranga and whose captain and first mate have been tried and found guilty - what those damages will bring into the kitty will no doubt be miniscule when offset with the cost of the clean up!
It's all far better left to the people who put themselves up to be elected into the roles of taking care of these things and leaving blissfull ordinariness up to us 'what are the ordinariest!'

Thought that this was a lovely picture and quote and it leads in well to the next snippet of news.
"Matthew Yu and his family emigrated from Hong Kong to Auckland in 1996. He has learnt the piano and violin since hew was 6, passing his piano LTCL (Recital) with distinction at the age of 17 and violin Performer's Certificate at the age of 14. Matthew loves both instruments, but he sees the piano as the instrument that he can express himself best with. Matthew moved to Wanganui for his first job as a graduate engineer in 2010. For musical recreation, he played the piano for the Wanganui Lyric Singers, violin for the Wanganui Orchestra and also played the organ and piano at masses fort he St Mary's Catholic Church. After spending one year in Wanganui, he returned to Auckland for work. Matthew's ambiton is to become a chartered professional engineer and keep his music as his hobby. He intends to perform at least one concert every year." Given that the author is a part-time and backbencher violinist, it was a huge thrill to be part of this concert and fulfill a lifelong dream to one day play in a 'dinkum' orchestra! The Mozart Piano Concerto which Matthew played with the orchestra last Sunday can be enjoyed by clicking on the following link to You Tube.
While I have been busy with music and more music,(a student with a distinction for her Piano examination makes for a very happy teacher, just by the way)- Georgia has been smiling and growing and becoming more and more gorgeous by the day. Her cousin in Vancouver has the cutest little video which Nana has watched many times over and the time has come I think, to make some gorgeous little girl dresses for them both. Two precious princesses without specially handmade dresses from Nana in New Zealand will certainly not do!
So, since I have just finished these two little summer frocks and matching sunhats for a girlfriend who is expecting identical twin girls in a couple of weeks time, I can make something similar for the two Sweethearts in Nana's life too - in fact, sitting here won't get them done, so I had better get to it.
Dis al!