Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Carols by Candlelight in Wanganui

This lovely grassed area beside Virginia Lake was the venue for this year's Carols by Candlelight which took place on Sunday evening.
The group of South Africans supporting the local Carols by Candlelight and Rotary Club who put it on.

The Wanganui Pipe Band entrance - real stirring stuff and a lovely start to the evening with a couple of traditional carols, the ever-present Scottish Soldier and of course, Amazing Grace.

The little guy on the far left is 9 years old and plays that drum like a seasoned pro - all the rhythmic moves included - we were most impressed by this Little Drummer Boy.

The Wanganui Brass Band accompanied by the combined choirs. The chappie on 'first trumpet' is a member of the National Band - a real accomplishment - and got him special mention and a round of applause!

The Twelve Days of Christmas had the group of South Africans leaping to their feet with each appearance of 'five golden rings' and singing with immense gusto - by the fourth time, we had some of the locals following suit! (Shades of a Mexican Wave). The Master of Ceremonies mentioned over the p.a system during one of the golden rings lines - 'the group of South Africans' - so there was no way that we were going to be incognito at this event!

Enough space for everyone to relax on their picnic blankets and dip into their 'tea' baskets. A few brave folks were in summer outfits, but rumour has it that summer is dragging her feet this year and it's still unseasonably cold at dawn and dusk. We were glad we thought to bring warm jackets (along with the umbrella - since there was a light shower or two in the course of the evening).

By the time 'Silent Night' appeared on the programme, it was almost dark enough to appreciate the lit candles.
Dis al!

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