Friday, August 20, 2010

Ducks in a row

We were drumming up a welcome cup of coffee the other day and happened to glance out of the window to see this proud mama with her chicks 'trotting' across the entrance to our driveway. Fortunately, the camera wasn't too far away and we managed to capture them for you to see.

Remember this is a residential part of Wanganui-not a farm, pond or lake for miles, so we are quite mystified as to where they came from and where they were so intent on going to!

Nevertheless - I know I said ages ago on this very blog that these creatures pop up wherever there is even the hint of a puddle - so I guess I was 'righter' than I thought!
We have both been somewhat under the weather with the flu bug which has been rife in Wanganui but seem to be over the worst of it now and my voice is back after the laryngitis which snatched it for about four quiet days!
It looks like we are going to acquire a 'new' car - for those of you who don't know, VW is the way we go (if we possibly can) and the Mitsubishi that we have had since we arrived has lost some of it's 'charm' and is about to be traded in for a you guessed it VW. We'll let you see some pictures once the deal is done!
As far as the Mitsi is concerned, an ad currently on TV comes to mind - "You can't polish a turd, but you can roll it in glitter!"
Dis al!

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