Friday, November 4, 2011

Travels and trophies

We took to the roads again last weekend - things to do and places to see! The scenery is still really amazing most everywhere - we continue to take photographs and to stop our car and leap out when another spectacular view catches our attention. This was one of those moments and we thought we would share it with you!
Tauranga has been in the news recently with the grounding of the huge container ship 'Rena' on the reef not too far off shore. You will remember the pictures of the clean-up happening on the beach which we posted for you to see. We drove up to Tauranga and saw for ourselves that the beach is looking pristine again in spite of the fact that the ship is still crippled and stranded. Oil has been pumped out of her holds and although there is still somewhat of a threat and there is still oil appearing here and there along the coastline, as you can see, things are looking much more positive for the fast approaching summer holidays.  Tauranga is on the East coast, hence the 'white' sand (compared with the black volcanic 'sand' you will find on our West coast)
Tokoroa is one of the smaller towns en-route to Tauranga from Wanganui - we came across this 'woodsman' who has been decked out with his

All Black outfit complete with the 'world cup' - everywhere one travels at the moment throughout New Zealand, The Cup is out there for the world to see! This is one very happy (and in our opinion, very lucky) nation of rugby enthusiasts!  In one of the even smaller towns, there is an enormous carving of the native kiwi bird - easily the size of a small house. This fella too, has been adorned with black plasic wrapped around his whole body with silver ferns and All Black logos painted in the right places!

 Tui beer is very popular here and we called in at the brewery in the hopes of catching the live band - unfortunately we just missed hearing them this time, but have an excuse to go back and visit again. The opening hours posted outside the brewery amused us. We did amble in and enjoyed a cold one in the garden before heading on our way.
So here it is folks - The World Cup - and some very relieved All Blacks and Coaches!
 Remember the house in Wanganui with all the flags painted on the wall (see blog post - 20 competing nations ) It took this chappie a couple of days to paint the wall white again and have his congratulations to the All Blacks signs up! If you click on the picture you can enlarge it for more detail! Happy Kiwis! Dis al!

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