Monday, November 26, 2012

Glass elephants and carrot cakes!

We had a reasonably sized earth tremor here a little while ago - it sounded like an oncoming herd of buffalo, the ground beneath us began shuddering and then there was an almighty bang! Since the epicentre was not too far from Wanganui, we were fortunate that it was pretty deep down. No damage reported from anywhere around us - our 'damage' documented in the picture alongside! The tippled elephant, just far enough away to avoid a domino effect! 
The Edmonds recipe book is evidently 'thee' book for all things culinary in New Zealand - by culinary, I am referring to 'at home' and for the 'masses'! A while ago, they ran a competition to find the most loved and most popular recipes from this iconic cookbook and then published a whole new book of 'classics'.
Yours truly decided that it was a 'must have' in our kitchen and here is the carrot cake (recipe found in the section of family favourite cakes) which turned out quite well and was beyond delicious!  Rich and full of nuts with the most decadent icing -  Not for anyone counting points or following low fat sugar free diets! Will be baked again - just waiting for a good special occasion!
Dis al!

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