Wednesday, March 4, 2009

A major computer crash!

We have been without our pc for another few days - on Thursday last week, the operating system disappeared and we couldn't retrieve it! So it had to go back to the computer shop in Hamilton where the hard drive was replaced - so finally, we are back 'on line'!

Things are settling into a sort of routine in spite of being in a continual camping situation - we have the basics to sustain life and have made enough new friends to know that if we really needed something urgently, there are people who could help out! The South African contingent in New Zealand is really something quite amazing - it could have something to do with being so far away, but honestly you couldn't wish to find a more supportive group of people who have gone out of their way to make us feel welcome and offer any assistance we could possibly need. There is a 'network' list in Hamilton which is a free service via the internet which connects ex-South Africans - we hear that loads of people go there first when looking for a service like a hairdresser or a car mechanic or someone to take care of their kids. There are also things for sale and property listings - a bit of everything. Of course the connections are all ex-South Africans and although you might not find exactly what you are looking for, someone on that list will be able to point you in the right direction if you take the time to ask!

We have been enjoying the summer weather here - at the moment a cross between Cape Town and Durban - mild summer days with temperatures in the low twenties with high humidity - there is a real damp problem in many of the houses and lots of people have 'de-humidifiers' in their homes to try to stop the curtains from going mouldy!

We have met our first real live kiwi neighbours - Kathy and John live in our street at no 50 and Kathy called in on Friday to see if there was any chance that this house was coming up for rent! They have a daughter and son-in-law who are looking for somewhere in the area to rent and Kathy thought this house could be just the ticket! What a lovely couple - incredibly friendly and interesting - they invited us for drinks on Friday so we spent a couple of hours at their home over wine and snacks - and got to know them a little. Kathy is a librarian at one of the satellite libraries here in Hamilton and is a born and bred kiwi. John is originally from Malaysia I think they said, but is Chinese - apparently makes the absolute best chinese food when he is not at work being a micro biologist. John has been in NZ since 1973 so is really pretty well a kiwi too! We went on a little stroll around our block over the weekend and took a few photographs for you to see. As we walked past their house, John and Kathy waved from their living room so were immediately summoned to pose for a photo for this blog so here it is! Now that the picture has been downloaded onto the blog, it has placed itself at the top of this post, so there you go!
We are really pleased to see that we have another follower on the blog in the form of the van Vuurens from Bloemfontein - Hi julle! So bly om te sien julle het noggie van ons vergeetie! Elize, ek het jou op Facebook gesoek, maar kon jy tussen al die ander nie uitken nie - ek wil graag maatjies met julle wees so nooi my asseblief!
There is a bit of work to do on the photos before we can post them on the blog so for now - dis al!

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