Friday, October 2, 2009

This picture of a rainbow was taken ages ago - before we realised how often you see beautiful rainbows here! Even so, they are usually pretty spectacular!
We are happy and busy with all sorts of things - Jo has been on a couple of overnight work excursions, often returning with new ideas about where we should visit next on our exploratory travels! The network which they are working on has been extended, so the new 'bits' of road need to be visited and assessed for upcoming work requirements.
Our South African stall at the local 'Rivertraders' market beside the river here in Wanganui, has been going for a couple of Saturdays now and appears to have taken off! The 'girls' are having a hard time keeping up with the demand for boerewors rolls and the distinctive and delicious aromas of braaing wors waft around the whole market area - I think personally, that many kiwi noses bring their owners to the stall and before they know what's hit them, they are tucking into a fresh, hot boerewors roll with 'n heerlike tamatie en ui smoor bo oor'!
They are also selling herzoggies (coconut macaroons) and koeksusters. Some days there is both biltong and droewors on offer and melk tertjies and soet suur tertjies jostle for space on the tables. The beskuit is particularly popular and they are pretty well selling as fast as they can produce these delights!
As a result of the market success, Junay has been approached to do some catering for a function at the Top Ten Holiday resort early in November - basically a day's worth of goodies to eat. She has asked me to go in with her on this project, since I had done something similar in Wolmaransstad for the BKS office. We have been getting all the costing and planning done and should be on track for providing morning tea, a finger luncheon and then afternoon tea for 25. Should be great fun and hopefully if everything works as it should, we should make a bit of pin money out of it.
I have a violin student starting lessons next week so that means that I need to get all the music sorted out so that I can find things! At the moment, all the music is in the wall unit it belongs in, but is in no particular order!! Beginner violin music needs to be found and hauled out!
We had a visit from our landlord and his wife this past weekend - they have been really nice about it all, but the bottom line is that they are going to have to put this house onto the market. It doesn't appear that the house is going to be sold within days, but we are not too enamoured with the idea of having the house on show at weekends and people traipsing in and out all the time. So guess what? We are going to be moving again!
We have a couple of appointments over the next couple of days for viewing houses to rent in Wanganui and are secretly hoping that we get something really quickly that is exactly what we are looking for and has a 'long term' type lease arrangement attached. That was what we had here, but things have changed in the landlords' situation and he doesn't really have a choice in the matter. We have to admit that he appears to feel very bad about 'tossing us out on the street'!! We know that he will give us a really good reference as tenants so that's good!
The pianos are still not here! Will probably arrive within days of us moving - before, not after if Murphy has his way!
Dis al!

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