Friday, October 23, 2009

Off the cuff braai!

Winter has been back for a few days now - cold and wet and windy for the most part - but since we have so much that needs seeing to indoors, we aren't complaining too loudly. We are working on the EOI and setting things up for a smooth transition to our new abode -moving telephones, broadband, electricity and gas and so on - and planning on taking up residence on or about the 1st November. We are planning on doing the move ourselves - well, in this case, the plural form of the word is implying more than two - most of the folks you see in the photographs towards the end of this post, have offered to lend a hand on the day/s that we are actually moving, so hopefully, it will be as painless as can be expected under the circumstances.
We took a little 'drive by' yesterday and the house gives the impression of being empty - now we just have to hope that the agents come up with the goods and get the place sorted out. I did happen to notice that the BMX bicycle which was 'artistically' arranged in one of the large plants out front, has been removed - so here's hoping the bunch of students who have called the place home recently, have removed all their other belongings - particularly those of the less savoury and more smelly variety!

A couple of big hoo hahs going on in New Zealand this week - not least of which the group of Grammar school boys who made utter arses of themselves at one of the prestigious museums. Apparently, at the exhibit about the Nazis and the second World War concentration camps and so on, these twits decided it would be a huge laugh if they took pictures of themselves bowing in front of the Nazi flag and kissing swastikas and clicking their heels snappily together while tossing up a Nazi straight arm salute - and then posting them on U-tube (or similar, I'm not sure which one now) for the whole world to see. I'm sure I don't have to mention how embarrassed and shocked and devastated and so on people here are - and not just the jewish community either. The boys concerned have been made to appear at the museum in question, caps in hand, red faces and all, and fess up to their complete 'idiotness' and make a formal apology for their behaviour. No-one has mentioned whether that is the sum of it or not - I guess the larny school they represent had something to say to them (and no doubt their parents) but I was so impressed with the way it was all handled by one of the Jewish elders who appeared on TV the next day. He was such a gentleman and made references to the boys being 'young' and 'uneducated' and so on - he was gentle and understanding and handled the whole situation with great class! Good on ya Rabbi!

We got together with a couple of friends for an off the cuff 'barbie' after we had done the set up for the new music which was happening at the SA church at the Top Ten Holiday resort. The weather had turned suddenly cold and wet and so the spirits all needed a bit of a lift - needless to say, like the true South Africans that we are, we decided to do the work and then round it off with a 'no frills' standard braaivleis - (not too much in the way of schnazzy salads or gourmet side dishes) - with a couple of ales thrown in.

Some of the discussions look really serious!

This is the great thing about an off the cuff get together - serious conversation about all sorts of challenging subjects interspersed with loads of laughs and a makeshift dance floor simply 'cos we felt like it!

Pierre and Corne - two of my new music students - (Pierre is taking up the guitar and Corne has started lessons on the violin) getting to know one another on the dance floor!

Mariaan and Stefan - she's the minister of the SA church here in Wanganui for the moment - at least until her husband (seen dancing with her here) has to move to Wellington as part of his medical speciality training.

And the owners of the holiday resort also take time now and then to relax and enjoy the company of friends! Andre and Martie are quite impressive on the dance floor! Dis al!

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