Friday, November 6, 2009

A Sunday afternoon bike ride

We knew that the move to our new house was imminent, so decided that in spite of the weather being a bit gloomy, we needed to 'get out a bit' and took a drive on the motorbike to the Waverley Beach area - about 40km from Wanganui. Although the sky is very grey and the wind was up a bit, winter is definitely on it's way out and we are so looking forward to doing these sorts of trips in summer.
The scenery is no less spectacular than we are coming to expect - so we thought we'd post some pictures for you to enjoy too.

The trusty 'steed' is actually standing on a piece of gravel path - although this photograph makes it look somewhat like some kind of fierce wild animal - we have been quite surprised to find that this particular variety of 'wild life' (being a Pan European 1300 Honda) is thriving in New Zealand and we are less unique here than we were in SA. In our little 'old fogeys' motorcycle club alone - Wanganui branch - there are two others beside this one.

One really does come across the beautiful scenery bit by bit - the coastline around here is extremely rugged and although there is a huge expanse of beach just over the next little hill, this smaller cove is just as spectacular in it's own way.

Some folks hate having their photos taken - you might have noticed how few pictures of this lady are evident on this blogspot - she agreed to this one under great duress. Especially since the 'helmet hair' is present in all it's finery. So folks, glance and move on!

This is one of the sorts of photographs that one usually would see in glamorous and glossy travel magazines or calendars. When you arrive at this particular part of the coastline, none of this sort of scenery is immediately evident - only once you have wandered down to the beach from the cliffs above do you come across gems like this one. The whole picture just begged to be captured on 'film' so that a watercolour or acryllic painting can be created some time in the future.

Some folks aren't happy with just observing a quirk of nature - they have to go the whole tactile experience to be sure that their eyes are not deceiving them - yes, the sand is black and no it's not oily or stickier than regular sand. It's very fine in texture and gets into everything! It does wash off easily and doesn't stain fabrics! What's really interesting is that the pebbles which one finds on all beaches and which are no less evident here, are not black, they're pebble coloured!

Kiwis are very fond of doing the number plate number - some are really quite witty and others need some decyphering. These two, spotted beside the beach, are pretty self-explanatory! We were amused by the Sky television dish which evidently goes along on camping trips!

It was, admittedly a pretty gloomy day, but whether the sun happens to be shining or not, makes no difference to the colour of the beach sand! Volcanic sand is black - and takes quite some getting accustomed to!
Dis al!

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