Saturday, February 6, 2010


We have been threatening to stop and take a picture of this 'honesty' fruit and vegetable stall for ages. It floors us that such a thing actually works! The idea is that the supplier supplies the fruit and vegetables - sometimes also bottled chutneys and jams and things, and us consumers stop by if we want to buy something and pick up whatever it is we want, check the price marked on the item and pop the money into the 'honesty' box. Simple!
There are many of these types of arrangements around - at the dairy farm where I did the workshops for children over the last couple of weeks, they have a similar arrangement - if you need a litre or two of fresh, farm milk or could do with some fresh cream you can pop into the farm and wander into the cool room and help yourself to whatever it is you need, leaving the money in the - you guessed it - honesty box.
Apparently, some weeks at the farm, there will be a couple of hundred dollars in the honesty box, other weeks much less, but everyone assumes that the money and the products that have gone, will tally. All quite amazing really!
The day we took this picture, the stall was looking quite bare, so we assume that the honesty box is brimming with dollars just waiting for the owner of the stall (who quite possibly lives in the house you can just see in the picture behind the stall) to nip out and restock the shelves and collect the money all ready for banking!
This fruit and veggie stall is situated a couple of kilometres out of the centre of town, but on an ordinary biggish street - in fact on the main road out to the Top Ten holiday park. It's the only road out to the park, so every campervaner, biker or tourist heading out there will pass it. We just wonder how many folk from other countries are as fascinated with the whole concept as we are.
Dis al!

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