Saturday, February 6, 2010

A surprise farewell party for Pierre

Pierre has spent two months with us here in New Zealand and was about to return to South Africa towards the end of January. Being the folks we are, we couldn't possibly let him just fade onto a plane and disappear without us giving him at least a half decent send-off. We got 'our Pierre' to take Pierretjie out onto the golf course for the afternoon and managed to assemble quite an impressive group of surprisors, who arrived armed with all the trappings for a real good shindig and squeezed themselves into Willem and Alna's dining room under the sign which Julia made!

Lurking and skulking around corners, waiting for the guest of honour to arrive!

It really was a fantastic surprise!

A picture says it all! Martin, on the left of the picture, was at school with Pierre (known colloquially as 'our Pierre, since he is not the Pierre going back to SA) and his expression says to us that he's heard whatever it is Pierre is on about, before - probably many times.
'Our' Pierre, being who he is, is just being his usual animated, enthusiastic, motivated and determined self and is clearly believing every word that is coming out of his mouth. Jo, on the other hand, has that 'no! Really! Are you absolutely convinced? Rerig???' look about his body language, wouldn't you say?

Andre, saying his goodbyes in the book of photographs and memories we compiled for Pierre to take back with him.

Bonnita raising a little glass to Pierre's health and safe trip back to South Africa.

It's nice to have a picture of the 'important people' in our lives here in New Zealand - here's a happy picture of Deon, our GP, with Jo. A lovely evening with not even a whisper of anything medical - except maybe for the odd mention of the medicinal benefits of a wee dram every so often.
We hear that Pierre is safely back in South Africa and claiming to miss us all!!!
Dis al!

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