Thursday, May 26, 2011


The capital city of New Zealand is Wellington - I honestly didn't know that until we actually moved here! - in any event, there are loads of things that happen in and around Wellington, not least of which is not altogether marvellous weather. Be that as it may, the powers that be, in and around this city, have in their wisdom, decided that this signage (pictured below, and taken from the national newspaper report) shall be erected forthwith on the 'koppie' alongside Wellington airport. The subsequent uproar has been quite something to behold - even the Prime Minister saying on National Television that he was 'not crazy about it, I just think that I..N..G...T..O...N would be better after the W..E..L...L actually' - or words to that effect.
Now since most of the folks interviewed on the streets in and around Wellington sort of laughed about it or where quite adamant it was just going to cost money, was somewhat tacky and a sad rip-off of the Hollywood and Bollywood ideas, needless to say, barring some sort of major change of heart, this sign, whatever anyone thinks about it, will be erected and will be pretty much the first thing visitors to Wellington will see on their arrival at the airport!
We reserve the right to decline to comment!
Dis al!

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