Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Friends and Relations

Rugby World Cup has some unexpected surprises!

The author's cousin - pictured in the centre of the picture below, has lived in Australia (and the UK for a while) for almost as long as we have been 'all growed up'
This has meant that we have seen one another either fleetingly at sombre occasions like funerals, or not at all for the past (give or take a few) twenty years!

A busload of 'friends and relations' arrived here in Wanganui for a fleeting visit en-route to the next world cup venue and we joined them for a catch up, washed down with a couple of glasses of red wine!
 Evidently, no matter how long you live overseas, if you were born in South Africa it is unacceptable to root for a team other than the Springboks! Yay to that!
 Really special to be able to welcome 'cuz' and his two sons - to our quaint little town and even more delighted to see a Springbok rugby jersey being worn with such aplomb!

Fortunately, none of the younger set had to endure conversations about 'people they have never met, even if they are family' and so they could  stay captivated by the moves on the big screen - while keeping one ear on the conversation!
A really lovely couple of hours spent with folks from 'home' and family from across the ditch!

Thanks Gavin - was a fabulous evening! Kia Ora - and hope your stay in the land of the long white cloud is spectacular!

Dis al!

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