Thursday, April 23, 2009

Balloons and Blasters.

Although it was somewhat of a gloomy looking morning, the hot air balloon enthusiasts of Hamilton don't generally miss a chance if the air is calm to take a little glide over the city. We took this picture (right) from the kitchen window while waiting for the kettle to boil for a steaming mug of coffee on Saturday morning. The photograph on the left is one we took a couple of weeks ago and hadn't included in the blog as yet so there you go!

One of our smaller purchases on Trade Me has been this waterblaster - I had been wondering how on earth we were going to get the patio areas around our house clean and less slippery when wet. It seems that with the climate here, everyone has much the same problem and every self respecting home is in possession of a water blaster. This one was a real steal on Trade Me and we collected it from a farm outside Hamilton - we think it had been used to hose down cows, or 'dip' cattle or something, judging by how really grubby it was, but it cleaned up really well!
The two flower tubs that are looking so empty in this picture are now starting to show signs of life - the freesias have been duly planted and there are about 10 showing their intentions.

Dis al!

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