Thursday, April 30, 2009

We took this picture last week in the course of our travels - a bit of a gloomy day with plenty of rain about but some of the trees looking really pretty.

The main purpose of this blog entry is to say that we have finally heard that the container which has caused so much consternation and irritation, is on it's way! Hallelujah! That is not to say that there will be no further hitches or hassles, but we are remaining positive and looking forward with great anticipation to opening this big box of goodies and 'getting a life' as it were!
Evidently, the container left South Africa on Friday last week - being 24th April and so we are continuing to believe that it will proceed without further ado and arrive safe and sound in Auckland in the shortest possible time known to man for these things!
We saw on television that Simon and Garfunkel will be performing in Auckland sometime in September - while we were still thinking about how to go about getting hold of tickets, the main news bulletin of the day announced that the tickets for the show had sold out within 17 minutes! I checked out on Trade Me yesterday just for the fun of it and saw that there are tickets available to buy from individuals - like two tickets in one case and one ticket in another - and these are going for approximately R1250.00. Yup, you read correctly - One thousand, two hundred and fifty Rand - OK that's for a pair of tickets! We will not be attending the concert!
We have however consoled ourselves with the fact that we WILL be attending the Johnny Clegg live concert in Auckland on Monday the 1st of June! Very exciting! Most of the guys who work at MWH have no idea who Johnny Clegg is! But then, to be fair, we have no idea who the main 'stars' in New Zealand are either!
Dis al!

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