Monday, March 28, 2011

Bingo, Bad notes and Bicycles

Came across this on facebook the other day - looks like something lots of us can relate to! (If the picture is too small to read the instructions, try clicking on the picture to make it bigger) Some of the people in high places in New Zealand seem to have been busy playing this game and not being where they should be when they should be. One of the biggest noises being made about 'rights for all' bills created a huge uproar and got everyone all hysterical and choosing sides - when it came to the very same bill being voted upon, the aforementioned member of parliament 'forgot' to be in the House on the day!!! NOT appreciated by lots of folks - we thought it was all hysterically funny!!
When there is really only one 'disgustingly out of tune' note on the piano - 'n boer maak 'n plan!

We call these 'bicycles' - apparently in New Zealand they are more commonly known as 'push bikes' - no comment! - we have been enjoying really good outdoor weather recently and have tired of all the walking - especially those of us who harbour an old knee injury (and that's both the knee and the injury being referred to there) acquired in the bloom of youth on the rugby field - so when our local 'has-most-things' shop put bicycles on special, we decided to replace the ones we had sold in South Africa. It's loads of fun riding out from our home and through the streets of Wanganui - in spite of the traffic, there is a designated bicycle lane most everywhere -we thought it would be good if we could start from somewhere else, like the beach for example. The dilemma was getting the bikes there - not having a towbar on the Touran and realising that acquiring such a piece of equipment was going to cost us a LOT of money, Jo looked at a whole bunch of different options and finally settled on the one shown here! Saved us in the region of $1500.00 dollars (had we gone for the towbar and accessories option)! For our blog readers who have forgotten and live in SA - that's to be multiplied by five for equivalent in Rand - whichever way you look at it - LOTS of money!

It took a trip to the hardware store, a bit of faffing about in the garage (thankfully all the tools and gadgets required came with us) and one last stop to buy the bungi cord that holds the wheels against the frames while in transit!

Total cost - fifty dollars!

So now we can take our 'push bikes' to a starting point somewhere other than home and it hasn't cost us a fortune!

There was a time when certain people swore blind they would never ride around here since a bicycle helmet is compulsory - but we have since overcome that hurdle and don our 'gedoitjies' like the good residents that we are!

Dis al!

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