Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Permanent Residence

This picture was taken at Hamilton Gardens on the day after we arrived in New Zealand - it was truly the start of an adventure!
There have been many bumps in the road - but an adventure it has been!
Today, after an almost unbelievable amount of to-ing and fro-ing, back-ing and forth-ing, hem-ing and haw-ing and plenty of hither and thither thrown in for good measure - Immigration New Zealand has approved our application for permanent residence.
The whole point has always been to keep the doors open, and the bridges un-burned so that we are the ones who get to decide where to from here.
We have been threatening to sell all our worldly goods, sans a keyboard and a variety of stringed instruments suitable for busking - and heading off into the wide, blue yonder to open a pub on an island somewhere.
The good thing is that we can still decide to do that~! but we have a place to stay in the meanwhile! and there is time to source a monkey with a cute hat for collecting all the money from the tourists on our island!
The whole idea of this web log, from the very start, was to document our adventure from the beginning - when we first decided to take the trip to New Zealand, to the point when we acquired Permanent Residence. That task is now complete (bar the actual stamp in the passports) so this means possibly that this blog is done.
We'll get the stamp and decide later!
Dis al!

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