Monday, March 14, 2011

Waverley Beach at dusk

If you have been following this blog for a while, you will remember this acrylic painting which is of the interesting rock at Waverley beach - about 40km from Wanganui.
We wanted to call in there again - this time at dusk to see the effects of the setting sun on the scene. As it happened, it was low tide too, and so the picture is quite different.

It really felt strange being able to walk 'through' the rock which I had painted in May as being 'out to sea'!
We had no idea the tide would make such a dramatic difference to the picture.

Although the sun hasn't disappeared yet, this side of the rock is completely in shadow, creating a really interesting effect.
(Incidentally, these pictures were all taken around 8pm.)

If you wander through the hole in the rock and turn right, these huge cliff- like formations line the beach as far as the eye can see.
With the evening being fairly calm and windless, the reflections in the film of water on the black sand made a pretty picture.

The sun just starting to slip under the horizon

and leaving golden feathers in the sky.
We found a marvellous viewing spot, high above the sand with a magnificent view of the sunset - have marked the spot for a 'fish and chips on the beach' with our first South African family visitors - whoever they might happen to be and whenever they might happen to appear!
Dis al!

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