Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Braais and Babies

The Big Braai has rolled around again! Hard to believe it's a whole year since the first one here in Wanganui. As was the case last year, ex-South Africans from all over New Zealand came to our little town on the west coast of the North Island for a weekend of good-ole comeraderie and some really good fun!
This year our guest artist, flown in for the occasion, was Kurt Darren (not everyone's cup of tea mind you) and there was touch rugby and such like arranged as well. The camp sites and B and B's were all fully booked and the 'sports stadium' Cooks Gardens was the venue - sporting the two flags ( the SA one was stolen last year! and replaced - this year as soon as it got dark apparently, the flags were retrieved and packed away safely) We hosted our neighbours from Hamilton - Sam and Stephanie Maritz and their family and on the day were joined by Cat - a road engineer colleague of Jo's and a born and bred kiwi!

We continue the tradition here in New Zealand - this was the Big Braai "namens die voorsitter van die feeskomitee-baie welkom en baie dankie" speech! Note the 'South African Kiwi' shirt worn legally with the acquisition of residency!

Our friends (L to R) Johann and June Boshoff and Des and Roan Schoerie - spent the day working their tails off to provide Boerewors rolls and 'Malva poeding' while the crowd waited for their own braaiers to heat up! Just love the new outfits!

The extremely rare species - 'Afrikaans-chested kiwi' - spotted at this year's Big Braai in Wanganui New Zealand - (Cat is a colleague of Jo's and has taken the time to 'see what us Boere are all about!)

The afrikaans referred to on the front of the T-shirt is "Gaan groot of gaan huis toe"

The 'imported star' of the Big Braai this year - Kurt Darren, on stage with one of his younger fans!

Thought you might like to see the painting that is presently in production - not quite finished, but will show you guys again when it is!

Those of you who have been following the blog for a while might remember the 'offee able' (offie afel) which was a topless wonder for quite some time. A plan - in true Botha style - has been made - this table top has been fashioned from bamboo decking - cut, glued and sanded to size and finished off with a generous helping of fantastic South African woodoc - sourced right here in New Zealand and couriered to us in Wanganui!

The decking having been glued is clamped while it dries and voila !

This has to be the sweetest 'bumbo seat sitter' in the whole world! Just so envious of all of you in South Africa who are getting to cuddle this little poppet!

Give her a big hug from her grandma in New Zealand please!

In July there will be a new addition to the Botha clan (both Botha clans to be precise) with the anticipated arrival of Estan - named for his late second cousin so tragically killed at only 17 years of age. We are just hoping against hope that the blue bull beside the belly is not holding any hidden information - after all the 'laaitie' is going to be raised in Cheetah country - and we, (although we are living in the land of the 'enemy') will still continue to believe. We will NEVER be blue bull supporters!!!

Towards the end of May there will be a brand new J.H.Botha! This one won't yet have any of the signs of ageing which his grandfather and namesake has begun to experience! So here's to you little lad - safe journey into the world - we are so excited to meet you! (all the babyshower presents arriving in the boot of the Mercedes was exactly the way your granddad would have done it himself!)

Dis al!

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