Thursday, April 7, 2011

Coffee bar skills

This picture is a study in twos and tens - dates and cups and chairs and number posts - not that its really that interesting, just the sort of thing that we notice. When we first arrived in New Zealand we thought it was really great that on ordering something from a coffee bar or similar, they hand you a 'stick' like this one with a number perched on top! You amble off and find somewhere to sit and when your order is ready for you, the waitress, laden with your edibles or drinkables or both, can find you at a glance and deliver the same to the table of your choice. Having become accustomed to this way of doing things, it was a real surprise this morning when we ordered a coffee to accompany our light lunch and were handed a disc-shaped UFO, about the size of a coaster, complete with buttons and flashing lights - I kid you not. We sat down at a table and waited with bated breath for the aforementioned UFO to buzz and flash - telling us the coffee was ready to be collected from the counter! After a couple of minutes, this little monster started buzzing and flashing for all it was worth and so we went back up to the counter and found the coffees on a tray ready for collection! Maybe this has been the norm in more sophisticated parts of the world for ages, but it's quite a novelty for us here in rural New Zealand. A little impersonal, but hey - gets the job done! Dis al.

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