Monday, April 4, 2011

The Royal stamp of approval!

Now I don't actually know if this stamp is to be used anywhere in the world other than New Zealand - but we think this is our special one!

Apparently, the design was (and we expect absolutely nothing less) approved by the Royal House of Windsor - but now there is a sneaking suspicion that the placement of the perforation was not actually specifically specified in the application!

That having been said, we can totally understand why. However - now that the perforations are zapped down the middle of the stamp, things don't look quite so 'approve-worthy'!!!

We note also that not only do this 'luvvly cupple' have a tenuous grasp on their togetherness, but also that her stamp is CHEAPER than his!!

Now it has been reported in the press here in New Zealand that 'heads will roll' and in another article there is mention of 'egg on faces' - we wondered if the head that is about to roll has egg on the face, or if these are two separate unfortunate individuals!

Bah hah hah!! We most probably shouldn't laugh, but guess what, this is OUR BLOG and we can laugh on it as loudly as we want to, and at whatever we want to!

Dis al!

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