Saturday, January 3, 2009

Learning how this all works!

Ok so now we have a blog and we have passed the address on to one person! At this stage, we are really not too sure if we are wanting everyone to be able to see how little we are actually able to do - i'm sure that with a bit of time and a fair amount of practice, we will be able to do awesome things like add photos and so on! Be patient people - you can teach old dogs new tricks, it just takes a bit longer!

On the preparation front, there is now an official list of 'things to do' - at this juncture, it is only two foolscap pages long and includes big and little things. An example of a 'big thing' is selling the house (really selling it with the cash in the bank!) - there have been quite a few near misses and so we are not banking on anything until the cash is in the bank! Small things to see to are things like unpacking the tent again after we used it last week and giving it a complete clean - meaning not even a blade of grass in sight - we are not too keen on the idea of a customs official holding our container for weeks over a blade of grass!

I have found that we have quite a couple of really good photographs after our little farewell trip and now I just have to learn how to attach them in some sort of creative fashion, to these blog posts! Surely it isn't that hard!

The other thing that needs to happen is being able to work on this blogspot without it costing a fortune - at this point, Wolmaransstad is not able to offer us anything in the cyberspace category other than the dial up version which tends to get expensive. Once again we are really looking forward to being able to use the internet and other stuff like Skype - I went into some of the paperwork that we have been accumulating over the past six months and found that local calls in NZ really are free, gratis and for nothing and that is why you can sometimes not reach someone on their landline, since they are surfing on the web - for days! Sounds like the sort of thing that we could get used to very quickly!

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