Friday, January 9, 2009

Ok vir Alta ( ou Alta jou haaaaas!) en al die ander afrikaanders wat graag wil lees hoe 'n Engelsman jul taal skryf!

Nou ja - my familie sal seker nie hierdie goeters lees nie - al probeer van hulle, ek weet hulle gaan dink ek is net besig om windgat te probeer wees en dit wil ons mos nie he nie of hoe?

Ek het nog nie gelees wat my liefsteling geskryf het nie - maar ek neem aan hy'd julle almal ingelig oor die verwikkelinge oor die afgelope paar dae. Dinge is maar bietjie besig en dol en aan die gang en so ons is gewoonlik die tyd van die nag al lankal in die bed! Toemaar - een van die dae het ons 'n moewiese lang vlug om deur te werk en ons kan mos daar slaap!
ek stuur vir al my afrikaans sprekende spesiale mense baie groete en hoop julle die blog gaan volg soos wat ons die groot storie aanpak! nou moet ek seker engels toe oorslaan vir al my engelse mense so ek groet julle almal tot 'n volgende keer en belowe om so nou en dan nog in die taal te skryf. Ek het mos so hard gewerk om 'n boerin te word dat ek dit nie alles sommer net gat prysgee nie!

Hello to all our blog readers - all two of you at this stage! we are passing this address on to people who would like to have it, or say they would like to have it, so maybe there are really a couple of you who will be following our big adventures' progress!
Things are starting to hot up in our part of the world with the deadline for having things done fast approaching - 28th sounds really far away until you start counting working days when you can get people to help you with stuff that you need them to help you with - not to mention that there are still a whole lot of things that need to happen on the financial front with respect to, for example, getting the actual cash in our actual hands so that we can pay people like the removal company who will be packing all our worldly goods and putting them into a huge box and setting them adrift on the sea, hopefully to turn up in the not too distant future on the shores of Auckland New Zealand and not floating endlessly in the vast expanses of ocean which we all learned about at school - or god forbid, sink to the depths of the same aforementioned ocean to be eventually covered in barnacles and searched for by pirates of the Carribbean who could only be seriously disappointed when they discover the container to have less treasure in it than the gold you would find in your average kitchen sink. Now that is a seriously long sentence!
Apart from having the odd moments of 'what are we thinking with this lark?' things are going as well as can be expected when you consider that we still need to finalise the sale of our house and bakkie, both of which are pretty much a requirement for the payment of things like the container. Just for those of you who really want to know - it looks like a container will be costing about one hundred grand which is pretty Serious Money and so we would really prefer that the said container arrives in one piece in Auckland!
There are so many other things that have to happen - things that are really small and apparently insignificant, but nonetheless need to occur in order for us to make the transition as smooth and painless as possible. There is unfortunately still the fact that things don't always go according to plan and so we are trying not to get too far ahead of ourselves at this point and are really following all the instructions we get from the people who know and filling in the blanks with what we think we should be doing!
Thank you to Jean and David and Stephen in Scotland for the stunning card wishing us well - what a fantastic surprise and just so appreciated! Perhaps in the next little while Jo can let me have an address for you and we can stay in touch - would be good since we are after all related!
It is so good to know that there are so many folks out there who really are wishing us well with this big adventure and so we will really do our best to keep this blog going and keep everyone up to date with things interesting and dull - you be the judge! For those of you who don't understand the 'other' language on the blog - just know that we are just filling in some of the details for our family who really do struggle with English - and in any case,I believe it will be a really good thing for me to keep my hand in as it were. I have been toying with the idea of being able to offer South African families in New Zealand the option of having music tuition in Afrikaans if they wish, so it would be a good idea to keep up the bilingualism!
All of the Botha kids will be spending this coming weekend with us - a personal farewell spread over the whole weekend - should be really good to spend some quality time with them and enjoy some good wine and good conversation - who knows when the next opportunity will present itself.
I have typed enough for this evening and it's getting late - let's hope we are on the verge of selling the bakkie and the house, both of which are looking decidedly hopeful today suddenly!
Will keep you posted!
That's all!

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