Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Jo with Stephanie from next door who has been the Neighbour of the Year! and (above) with Cor on the day that we moved into our house and the two guys had been loading and lifting furniture so that we have the basics - the glasses are Coke Zero without even a smidgen of anything else - they were really thirsty!

On the top right hand corner you will see a New Zealand tin shack! - evidently, building your new home from corrugated sheets is the 'in thing' and very much something you consider if you have had your home designed by an architect! It's quite a status symbol and not something the average kiwi can possibly afford - we, being really schooled in the intricasies of shacks, were very taken with this house and made a special effort to pull off quite a big road so that we could take this photograph! The moral of the story is 'don't knock shacks until you've actually seen them'!

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